
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Yakka Tech Pty Ltd

This case tells us about the Information technology service unbendable (Yakka tech Pty. Ltd. ) This trustworthy provides I. T services without Australia and New Zealand. Basically, this firm install and upgrades enterprise softw atomic number 18 corpses and related hardwargon on the knobs sites. To provide all these services it employees 1500 people. It has client service variableness that consist of four node contact centres serving clients within for each unmatched region. Each guest service centre consists of half- dozen departments representing functional specialisations and a single department consist of more than two dozen employees. everywhere last five years time period Yakka techs client service business has nearly doubled. But this growth non only brought positive aspects to the political party, rather brought assorted negative consequences such as, change magnitude node affections regarding unfortunate client services, in-enthusiastic response from the e mployees, troth mingled with employees of various departments, increased return of employees resignation. This not only increased the savvy comprises but it also showed direct impact in price of productiveness of the employees. referable to these negative consequences Yakka tech decided to increase the feed rate and keep the employees.More over, they also offered a sh be of profit with employees if they pee-pee more than two years for the company. This reduced the resignation of the employees, whatsoever, customers complaints did not end. Q1) What symptom (s) in this case suggests that roundthing has gone wrong? It is a fact that something went wrong, ascribable to which this I. T service provider was unable to live up through customers expectation. As the business grows, it is likely that the lead pinch will be more. Proper worry is required to guard aim work pressure less.Moreover, a proper channel of communication from the time of wonder has been made by the cu stomer and ticket has been issued till the time it has been puzzle out should flow. And rather than closing the ticket and re-issuing an early(a) ticket to same customer with same problem it would be effective to make a read of customer with same ticket number that could be used as future reference if some complaints or queries would be used by same customer again. Re-issuing of ticket again and again to same customer and different way of handeling same problem by same company would definitely make customer unsatisfied and ould cause more time. This is one of the symptoms that shows the initial mistake of Yakka tech. Similarly, Being I. T service provider, it should charter had soulfulness account of customer with their unique reference code that describes the type of system they are operation in their organisation. So that once customer bewilder their refrence any employee with related department gets the case history of what had been done by front colleague and what needs to be done further more. This would make it lot easier for the employees to understand the customers problem and sack interrogatory quicker.This is the second symptom that created customer dissatisfaction and longer time to tackle with some problem that created blockage in several departments that over loaded the work. Moreover, when the interrogate had to deal with more than one department of the division it always created customer complaints. This was one of the major symptoms of customers dis satisfaction and yakka techs internal employee conflict. Since, every single employee were unaware of how the customer was dealt by previous employee, every single time each employee had to deal with each customer form the beginning.This would create frustration for the client. Due to work pressure and number of call waiting on that point was no proper communication between employees of different department. Yakka tech should had tried to figure out possible reasons for employee resignatio n. In many cases pay rate is not only the reason for employees resignation. On the other hand companys first antecedence should be to deal with customer. Customers were not satisfied by the way they were litigated. therefrom Yakka should have take a better step by talk of the town with employees.Supervisor and managers to try identify what kind of problem they are passing play through to serve the customer. Another symptom that shows something went wrong was, due to leave out of communication between focal point and employees of different division. Where employees felt they had to do what they were utilize for. Same time they had to listen to number for frustrated customers and job was decorous monotonus. At this stage there should have been some role from anxiety to step in have a meeting with employees make them inspire up and assure them to make some flexible way of working.Due to lack of such approach, despite the pay rate was increased the customer were still not sat isfied and employees were working just for the sake of naughty payment. These were some of the symptoms that suggest something has gone wrong in Yakk tech Pty. Ltd. 2. What are the main causes of these symptoms? 2. 1 Customer complains regarding poor quality service. Unhappy customers are bad news for any company. Every single complaint from a client is a manifestation of dissatisfaction because of poor quality service.Customer complains should be considered as a major factor as it will serve as a feed back of the company IT systems infrastructure(managing customer complains). Yakka Techs customer service business has doubled over the bygone five years yet the circumspection was not focused towards the existent complains process and how it should be handled. Customer complains of Yakka Tech need to be delimitate and clarify the companys policies to establish procedures in order to pander their clients. The clients requirements need to be synchronized with the companys re sourc es is one of the serious element in complaint handling.The complains should be addressed at the early and in a fair approach rather than having a antiaircraft manner of dealing the problems. Developing a structured customer complaint management can prevent this problem. 2. 2 High employee turn over The number of employee resignation in YakkaTech contact centers has risen above manufacture average until eighteen months ago. It resulted in increase in labour cost due to recruiting and training of new technical staff and caused low productivity of new staves. on that point should be good relationship between employee satisfaction, employee disturbance and customer satisfaction(better employees). Employee turnover will be lofty in a company if the work environment is not up to the standard, which is exactly what happened in YakkaTech and that resulted in negative effects between the relationship of the company and its customers. The management needs to understand the reasons for h igh employee turn over and need to take necessary steps to overcome it. Lower productivity of employees can be reduced if the employee turnover is lesser as new employees are the main reason for lower productivity.Some of the reasons for high employee turnover are poor management, low employee compensation and not considering employees quality of life. 2. 3 Poor customer service training. according to the result of an employee survey as well as informal comments since then many of the YakkaTech employees said that they find their job categorical and have the filings for disconnection from the work they do. This has resulted in emiture on customer service skills and behaviors which cause in increase in responsibilities performed by a customer service staff.So the training that company gives to the new employees should underscore to gain patience when dealing with customers problems and giving real effort to solve it. YakkaTech should design the training programme to achieve the pr edetermined objectives goals and needs of the organization. amend communication skills, retention of customers, problem solving capabilities focus on customer satisfaction and maximum and effective use of the resource available. 2. 4 Conflicts. There have been few complaints about the ongoing conflicts with people in other departments and the stress of serving dissatisfied customers.The reasons for conflicts in YakkaTech may be because departments have different objectives and if their members cant find common values and goals they cannot cooperate which fail to coordinate squad action effectively. Changes take place constantly in an organization and these changes can generate emotions and employees can more easily subscribe to change if they are well prepared, included and supported. Task interdependence may be another important conflict in the firm that is conflict between individuals or groups that are dependant on one another. pretermit of proper communication between differ ent divisions can cause conflict. The management can develop different approaches that fit employees personalities and responsibilities. Some of the conflict management skills that YakkaTech can adopt are, getting feedback from employees about the different operations of the department, assessing the source of the conflict and different conflict management styles. 2. 5 Lack of group motivation. YakkaTechs executive team decided to assist pay raise for its customer service staff to become among the highest in the industry.They assumed that high rate would improve morale and reduce turn over and step-down hiring costs and improving productivity. Increased pay rates failed to improve ethical motive but it did reduce employee turn over in the firm. It clearly shows that there is lack of motivation by the management to maintain effective team work and employee retention. Interesting work, appreciation, pay, good working conditions, and job security are important factors in helping to motivate. (http//www. bpir. com/employee-motivation/menu-id-71/implementation. html). Work and personal life of an employee should be given importance in the company.

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