
Friday, November 8, 2019

6 Supercharged Strategies to Finding a Seasonal Job

6 Supercharged Strategies to Finding a Seasonal Job Even as early as September, it’s time to start looking for a temporary seasonal job. Retailers should have a good handle around this time on just how much extra help they’ll need, so it’s a great time to start casting your net. Many companies might look at their numbers from last year and see whether their sales boost warranted the extra payroll. But they could still add over half a million employees to their rosters for seasonal jobs this year. You might as well be one of them. Here are 6 strategies for landing one of these income-boosting gigs:1. Look for jobs  strategically.Look for the bigger stores that are sure to get lots of extra holiday traffic (and therefore hire lots of extra holiday help). Then look past the retail opportunities to warehouse and distribution centers, caterers, or even shipping agents like FedEx and UPS.2. Start now. Really, start  now.Even if a job doesn’t begin for another month, chances are the employers are already hirin g for that position. Don’t arrive too late and miss the party!3. Dress like  a professional.Even if you’re only applying to sell Christmas trees in a parking lot, dress smartly in business casual at the least for your interview. That little first impression can go a long way.4.  Walk into any application scenario prepared.Don’t go into any business to inquire about openings without being prepared to fill out and application and/or interview on the spot. Bring your acceptable ID forms for employment paperwork, a pen, and a resume to each one and be prepared to give references.5. Know your demands.It’s important to show these potential employers what you have to offer them. It’s also important to know what your wage and schedule requirements would be- before you go in. The last thing you want to do is make a commitment and leave someone in the lurch during their busiest season. Know what you’re willing to do, and what you’re capable of delivering, before you offer or accept.6. Be flexible with your availability.The real stand-outs in the holiday job market are those who are able to fit in around the employer’s needs. Be prepared to be flexible- working weekends and evenings for sure- and you’ll be gobbled up in the first round!

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