reality school system In 1999, a modern man named Ryan John Sargeant removed himself from the unexclusive school system. His pull in of intent, filled with harsh, condemnatory rhetoric, decried a school system that uses students as, ? a means to an end, a worthless commodity. Pupils are made nought but workers by the educational system.? Such words would aptly describe a proposal by the United States government, which calls for third years of mandatory public service following zesty school before pursuing any higher education.
A sweeping educational reform of this t ype sacrifices the Constitutional, personal, and moral rights of the somebody students in favor of the public good, creating a new object of disenfranchised and rebellious youths. A mandatory post-high school public service program violates the Constitution of the United States. In Amendment Thirteen, function One, the Constitution states that ?Neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude [emphasis added]...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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